How often does the ferry go from Dagebüll to Amrum ?

If you want to make a trip to the beautiful Amrum island in Germany, you might wonder how often the ferry from Dagebüll to Amrum Travels. You'll be happy to hear that the ferries run quite often - usually several ferries run throughout the day, so you can easily find a time that fits your schedule.

How often does the ferry go from Dagebüll to Amrum?

In summer there are 8 outward departures. The first departure is at 5 am, the last at 8 pm.

In the high season (May to September) there are usually 12 ferries per day from Dagebüll to Amrum, the first in the early morning and the last in the late afternoon. In the low season (October to April), the schedule can be a bit more limited, but there are still several ferries running throughout the day.

The ferry ride from Dagebüll to Amrum takes about 75 minutes and is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of the North Sea to experience. You have a breathtaking view of the coast and the sea and if you are lucky, you can even see some fish swimming next to the ship.

Whether you are planning a day trip to Amrum or a longer stay on the island, you don't have to worry about missing the ferry. Just check the timetable beforehand to see when it fits and then relax and enjoy the ride.