DISCOVER Wangerooge

How much does a flight from Harlesiel to Wangerooge cost ?

Are you planning a trip to the beautiful North Sea Island Wangerooge from Harlesiel for the Vacation at the North Sea? If so, you might be wondering how much a flight costs?

Firstly, you can easily book your tickets online via FLN's website. Alternatively, you can book your place by calling FLN Harlesiel at 04464-94810 or FLN Wangerooge to reserve under 04469-1755.

The flights from Harlesiel to Wangerooge take place every day of the week on the hour. However, the flight schedule varies depending on the season. In summer, flights operate between 8 am and 6 pm, with the exception of a break between 12:30 pm and 3 pm. In spring and fall, flights operate between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., also with a break between 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. The winter schedule runs from 9 am to 4 pm, with a break between 12:30 pm and 2 pm.

Return flights from Wangerooge to Harlesiel take place at the same times and according to the same seasonal schedule. Keep in mind that flight times may change due to weather restrictions or unforeseen circumstances, so be sure to check with FLN before traveling.

How much does a flight from Harlesiel to Wangerooge cost?

Now let's move on to the costs. As of 2023, prices for a one-way flight from Harlesiel to Wangerooge (or vice versa) start at €45.50 for adults and €26.50 for children under 12. Note that these prices include air transport tax.

How much luggage is allowed on the flight from Harlesiel to Wangerooge?

In addition, each passenger is allowed to take up to 10 kg of luggage free of charge. Children under 12 can take up to 5 kg. For excess baggage, there is a fee of €0.80 per additional kilogram. If you are taking a stroller, a fee of €12.50 will be charged for a small foldable stroller, while a fee of €20.00 will be charged for a larger stroller that can be separated from the chassis.

These prices are subject to change, so be sure to check with FLN before booking your ticket.

Book a plane to Wangerooge