Mit dieser Cookie-Richtlinie möchten wir erklären, was Cookies und Cookie-ähnliche Technologien sind, wie wir und andere Service Provider sie auf dieser Website verwenden, welche Informationen sie sammeln, wie lange und für welche Zwecke wir sie nutzen.
Diese Cookie-Richtlinie ist eine Ergänzung zur Privacy policy dieser Website. Die Cookie-Richtlinie legt fest, wie eine Website Cookies verwendet und welche Daten sie damit sammelt, während die Datenschutzerklärung einen umfassenderen Überblick über alle Datenverarbeitungsaktivitäten auf der Website und darüber hinaus bietet.
Cookies sind kleine Einheiten von Informationen, ähnlich wie Textdateien, die auf dem Endgerät gespeichert und gelesen werden können. Sie dienen verschiedenen Zwecken, u. a. der Aufrechterhaltung grundlegender Funktionen der Website, der Sicherheit und des Datenschutzes, der Bereitstellung optionaler Funktionen der Website, der Erfassung statistischer Daten über Besucherströme und der Bereitstellung von Marketingsystemen. Praktische Beispiele dafür, was in Cookies gespeichert werden kann, sind die Speicherung des Login-Status in Benutzerkonten, der Inhalt von Warenkörben in E-Commerce-Plattformen oder eine Nutzer-ID zur Verfolgung des Verhaltens auf der Website.
Die Informationen können technisch auf verschiedene Arten gespeichert werden. Die bekanntesten Beispiele dafür sind HTTP-Cookies und Cookie-ähnliche Technologien wie der lokale Speicher, der Sitzungsspeicher oder IndexedDB. Jede Art der Speicherung hat unterschiedliche Eigenschaften, welche die technische Handhabung, die Zugänglichkeit und die zum Zugriff auf die Informationen berechtigten Verantwortlichen bestimmen. Alle diese Arten der Speicherung werden in der Regel unter dem Begriff „Cookies“ zusammengefasst und daher in dieser Cookie-Richtlinie auch so genannt.
Das Setzen und Auslesen von Cookies ist in der Europäischen Union (EU) und dem Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) gemäß Art. 5 (3) ePrivacy Directive and Recital 66 ePrivacy Directive nur dann zulässig, wenn ein Nutzer seine Einwilligung auf der Grundlage umfassender Informationen über die Zwecke der Verarbeitung gegeben hat. Der Website-Betreiber kann auch Cookies setzen, wenn sie unbedingt notwendig sind, um dir als Nutzer den ausdrücklich angeforderten Service zur Verfügung zu stellen, z. B. die grundlegenden Inhalte dieser Website oder andere unbedingt notwendige Cookies für grundlegende Funktionen der Website, die dir ohne deine Einwilligung angezeigt werden.
Services und ihre Cookies können auf der Rechtsgrundlage deiner Einwilligung oder eines berechtigten Interesses gesetzt und gelesen werden. Als du diese Website zum ersten Mal besucht hast, wurdest du nach deiner Einwilligung gefragt und hattest die Möglichkeit, der Nutzung bestimmter Services zu widersprechen. Welche Rechtsgrundlage für welchen Service verwendet wird, haben wir in unserem Einwilligungsdialog erklärt.
Du hast das Recht, die Historie deiner Entscheidungen einzusehen, deine Datenschutzeinstellungen zu ändern, der Nutzung von Services zu widersprechen und deine Einwilligung jederzeit zu widerrufen. Im Folgenden findest du Möglichkeiten, deine Rechte auszuüben:
Weitere Informationen über den Umgang mit Cookies findest du unter
Auf dieser Website können sowohl der Betreiber der Website als auch Dienste Dritter, die auf dieser Website genutzt werden, Cookies setzen und auf deren Inhalte zugreifen. Wer auf welche Cookies und deren Inhalte zugreifen kann, unterscheidet sich zwischen First-Party- und Third-Party-Cookies. First-Party-Cookies werden von der besuchten Website erstellt und können nur vom Betreiber der Website und den integrierten Diensten Dritter auf dieser Website gelesen werden. Third-Party-Cookies werden in der Regel von Drittanbieter-Diensten auf anderen Domains gesetzt, können auf allen Websites gelesen werden, auf denen der Service, der die Domain steuert, eingebettet ist, und werden z. B. von Werbenetzwerken verwendet, um das Nutzerverhalten über verschiedene Websites hinweg zu verfolgen und personalisierte Werbung anzubieten.
Category | Technical cookie name | Technical cookie host | Service | Duration | Type | Purpose |
Essential | trp_language | | TranslatePress | 30 days | HTTP Cookie | - |
Essential | real_cookie_banner* | | Real Cookie Banner | 365 days | HTTP Cookie | Eindeutiger Identifikator für die Einwilligung, aber nicht für den Website-Besucher. Revisionshash für die Einstellungen des Cookie-Banners (Texte, Farben, Funktionen, Servicegruppen, Dienste, Content Blocker usw.). IDs für eingewilligte Services und Service-Gruppen. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | | Real Cookie Banner | 365 days | HTTP Cookie | Im Rahmen von TCF gesammelte Einwilligungen, die im TC-String-Format gespeichert werden, einschließlich TCF-Vendoren, -Zwecke, -Sonderzwecke, -Funktionen und -Sonderfunktionen. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | | Real Cookie Banner | 365 days | HTTP Cookie | Die im Google Consent Mode gesammelten Einwilligungen in die verschiedenen Einwilligungstypen (Zwecke) werden für alle mit dem Google Consent Mode kompatiblen Services gespeichert. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner-test | | Real Cookie Banner | 365 days | HTTP Cookie | Cookie, der gesetzt wurde, um die Funktionalität von HTTP-Cookies zu testen. Wird sofort nach dem Test gelöscht. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner* | | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Eindeutiger Identifikator für die Einwilligung, aber nicht für den Website-Besucher. Revisionshash für die Einstellungen des Cookie-Banners (Texte, Farben, Funktionen, Service-Gruppen, Services, Content Blocker usw.). IDs für eingewilligte Services und Service-Gruppen. Wird nur solange gespeichert, bis die Einwilligung auf dem Website-Server dokumentiert ist. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-tcf | | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Im Rahmen von TCF gesammelte Einwilligungen werden im TC-String-Format gespeichert, einschließlich TCF Vendoren, Zwecke, besondere Zwecke, Funktionen und besondere Funktionen. Wird nur solange gespeichert, bis die Einwilligung auf dem Website-Server dokumentiert ist. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner*-gcm | | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Im Rahmen des Google Consent Mode erfasste Einwilligungen werden für alle mit dem Google Consent Mode kompatiblen Services in Einwilligungstypen (Zwecke) gespeichert. Wird nur solange gespeichert, bis die Einwilligung auf dem Website-Server dokumentiert ist. |
Essential | real_cookie_banner-consent-queue* | | Real Cookie Banner | - | Local Storage | Lokale Zwischenspeicherung (Caching) der Auswahl im Cookie-Banner, bis der Server die Einwilligung dokumentiert; Dokumentation periodisch oder bei Seitenwechseln versucht, wenn der Server nicht verfügbar oder überlastet ist. |
Functional | NID | | Google Maps | 6 months | HTTP Cookie | Eindeutige ID, um bevorzugte Einstellungen wie z. B. Sprache, Menge der Ergebnisse auf Suchergebnisseite oder Aktivierung des SafeSearch-Filters von Google |
Functional | __Secure-3PSIDCC | | Google Maps | 1 year | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSIDCC | | Google Maps | 1 year | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SIDCC | | Google Maps | 1 year | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PAPISID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SSID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PAPISID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | HSID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-3PSID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-1PSID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | SAPISID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | APISID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | CONSENT | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | __Secure-ENID | | Google Maps | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | AEC | | Google Maps | 6 months | HTTP Cookie | Einzigartiger Identifikator zur Erkennung von Spam, Betrug und Missbrauch |
Functional | _c;;i | | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | LH;;s-* | | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | sb_wiz.zpc.gws-wiz. | | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | sb_wiz.ueh | | Google Maps | - | Local Storage | - |
Functional | _osm_location | | OpenStreetMap | 14 months | HTTP Cookie | Längen- und Breitengrad sowie Zoomstufe des auf der Karte ausgewählten Standorts |
Functional | _osm_session | | OpenStreetMap | Session | HTTP Cookie | Eindeutige ID für die Sitzung |
Functional | _osm_totp_token | | OpenStreetMap | 2 hours | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | _pk_id.* | | OpenStreetMap | 1 month | HTTP Cookie | Eindeutige ID zur Erkennung des Benutzers für die Tracking-Funktion |
Functional | _pk_ref.* | | OpenStreetMap | 8 days | HTTP Cookie | Verweisende URL |
Functional | _pk_ses.* | | OpenStreetMap | 32 minutes | HTTP Cookie | - |
Functional | hgj | ghj | OpenStreetMap | 10 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Statistics | _ga | | Google Analytics | 24 months | HTTP Cookie | Benutzer-ID zur Analyse des allgemeinen Benutzerverhaltens auf verschiedenen Websites |
Statistics | _ga_* | | Google Analytics | 24 months | HTTP Cookie | Benutzer-ID zur Analyse des Benutzerverhaltens auf dieser Website für Berichte über die Nutzung der Website |
Marketing | goog_pem_mod | | Google AdSense | - | Local Storage | - |
Marketing | google_experiment_mod* | | Google AdSense | - | Local Storage | - |
Marketing | __gads | | Google AdSense | 9 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | NID | | Google AdSense | 6 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | ANID | | Google AdSense | 13 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | 1P_JAR | | Google AdSense | 1 month | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION | | Google AdSense | 1 hour | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | CONSENT | | Google AdSense | 18 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | IDE | | Google AdSense | 1 year | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | test_cookie | | Google AdSense | 1 hour | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | DSID | | Google AdSense | 14 days | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | SIDCC | | Google AdSense | 1 year | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | SEARCH_SAMESITE | | Google AdSense | 6 months | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | __Secure-3PAPISID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | SSID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | SAPISID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | APISID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | HSID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | SID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
Marketing | __Secure-3PSID | | Google AdSense | 2 years | HTTP Cookie | - |
TCF vendors | uuid | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | optout | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | optin | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | dspuuid | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | psyn | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uuc | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | uuli | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | uup | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uus | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | crseq | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | segments | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | crex | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | caf | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | lif | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | crf | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | sitf | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | pubf | | smartclip Europe GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | XXXXX_viewnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | XXXXX_conversionnew | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | XXXXX_productnew_ | * | mainADV Srl | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | 31104000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | _lgc|XXXXX_view | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lgc|XXXXX_conversion | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lgc|XXXXX_fingerprint | * | mainADV Srl | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pid | | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | pid_short | | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | pid_signature | | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | ep | | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | ignore_* | | emetriq GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | adguid | * | eBay Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | A3 | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | migrated2y | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | optout | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rtbdata0 | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | unique_ad_source_impression | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | token_adaptv_advertising_com | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 64800000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | adaptv_unique_user_cookie | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | adaptv_unique_user_id | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | IDSYNC | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _vm_datax_pixels | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TEARSHEET | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | vmcid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | vmuuid | * | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sp-pause-until' | *,, *,, *,, *, | Yahoo EMEA Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uids | | Yahoo EMEA Limited | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzuid | * | Wizaly | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzts | * | Wizaly | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzup | * | Wizaly | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzsid | * | Wizaly | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzvp | * | Wizaly | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzcnst | * | Wizaly | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wzcpq | * | Wizaly | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | wztld | * | Wizaly | 1 second | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | AFFICHE_W | * | Weborama | 33955200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | wui | * | Weborama | 33955200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | wam-sync | * | Weborama | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | tluid | * | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tluidp | * | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sync | * | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | receive-cookie-deprecation | * | Triple Lift, Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | DW | * | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | DW_Time | * | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TID | * | The Kantar Group Limited | 78892380 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tt_viewer | | Teads France SAS | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tt_bluekai | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_emetriq | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_exelate | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_liveramp | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_neustar | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_retargetly | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_salesforce | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_skp | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tt_dar | | Teads France SAS | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | taboola_session_id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | taboola_select | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | taboola_fp_td_user_id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | t_gid | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | t_pt_gid | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | trc_cookie_storage | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _tb_sess_r | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _tb_t_ppg | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | abLdr | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | abMbl | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 10800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tb_click_param | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 50 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | receive-cookie-deprecation | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | taboola global:local-storage-keys | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | taboola global:user-id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | taboola global:last-external-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | *:session-data | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | taboola global:tblci | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tbl-exm-history | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tbl-exm-apperance | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | trc_cache | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | trc_cache_by_placement | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tbl-session-referrer | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | taboola global:lspb | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tbl_rtus_id | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.scrollDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.sessionDepth | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.sessionStartTime | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.timeOnSite | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eng_mt.ver | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _data | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | br | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sessionid | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rng | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | roi_cookie | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | redirect_data | *, * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | COu | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cnx_roi | * | Taboola Europe Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __tbwt | * | Taboola Europe Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | ng | | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | oo | | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tu | | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uu | | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cct | | Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ssid | * | SpringServe, LLC | 31449600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sst | * | SpringServe, LLC | 31449600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | dnt | * | SpringServe, LLC | 31449600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | nicequest_optIn | * | Soluciones Netquest de Investigación SLU | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | mpc | * | Soluciones Netquest de Investigación SLU | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | _cs_id | * | Solocal SA | 34819200 seconds | Cookie | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | kameleoonVisitorCode | * | Solocal SA | 31104000 seconds | Cookie | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pjtmcxtv1 | | Solocal SA | 8035200 seconds | Cookie | Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uuid | * | Solocal SA | 34819200 seconds | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | uuid | | Solocal SA | 34819200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | kameleoonVisitorCode | * | Solocal SA | 31104000 seconds | Web | Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | atauthority | | Solocal SA | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | atuserid | | Solocal SA | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | beopid | | Solocal SA | 31535998 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | criteo_fast_bid | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
TCF vendors | criteo_fast_bid_expires | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Create profiles to personalise content |
TCF vendors | criteo_localstorage_check | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | criteo_localstorage_check | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | criteo_pt_cdb_mngr_metrics | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_bundle | | Solocal SA | 33696000 seconds | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_bundle | | Solocal SA | 33696000 seconds | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_bundle | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_bundle | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_pub_test_tld | | Solocal SA | 3597 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_pub_test_tld | | Solocal SA | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_pub_test_tld | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_pub_test_tld | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_writeable | | Solocal SA | 3597 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_writeable | | Solocal SA | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_writeable | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | cto_writeable | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | _dlt | | Solocal SA | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | euconsent | | Solocal SA | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | euconsent | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | nadz_dailyVisits | | Solocal SA | 166896 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | _pbjs_userid_consent_data | | Solocal SA | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | prebid.cookieTest | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | __qca | | Solocal SA | 33868800 seconds | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | __qca | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | qcSes | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | SessionComprendreChoisir | | Solocal SA | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | _TEST_ | | Solocal SA | 31536000000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | __test__#{13} | | Solocal SA | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | SCM | * | Smaato, Inc. | 1814400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | SCM* | * | Smaato, Inc. | 907200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | SCMtemp* | * | Smaato, Inc. | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | suid* | * | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 31622399 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uid_syncd* | * | Simplifi Holdings LLC | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | SEUNCY | * | Semasio GmbH | 31556952 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | smxtrack | * | SMADEX, S.L.U. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | browser_id | * | GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | OneView Pixel | | Roku Advertising Services | 34186698 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | track-scoota | | Rockabox Media Ltd | - | Web | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | trx | | RevJet | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content |
TCF vendors | ads | | RevJet | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | track_trx_* | | RevJet | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eg* | | RevJet | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _svtri | | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | r42-collect* | | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | r42-partnersync* | | Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmccpa | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmco | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmco_cs | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmco_jsv | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmco_jsver | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __rmts | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cID | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ccv2 | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | icts | *, *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ls_token | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | lsclick_mid* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | lsn_statp | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | m* | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | mf_token | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | nextperf_token | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | opt-out | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pID | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rmStore* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rmgconsent |,,, | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rmlconsent_* | * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 34300800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rmuid | *, *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rp | | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rt_status | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tc | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uuid | *, *, * | Rakuten Marketing LLC | 31622400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ts | * | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | u | * | RTB House S.A. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __qca | * | Quantcast | 33868800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __dlt | * | Quantcast | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | mc |, * | Quantcast | 34214400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | d |, * | Quantcast | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sp |, * | Quantcast | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | qoo |, * | Quantcast | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | qor |, * | Quantcast | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | V | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31104000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cwbh1 | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pb_rtb_ev | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CWOptOut | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 158112000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cw | | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | wf | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | vf | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | gdpr | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ccpa | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rs | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 30 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | INGRESSCOOKIE |,, | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | JSESSIONID |,, | PulsePoint, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | bhsp | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 7 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | gpp | | PulsePoint, Inc. | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tr_id | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tr_dt | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_gsd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_aasd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_ttdsd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_adfsd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_ssd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_rpsd | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tr_optout | * | Publicis Media GmbH | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | KADUSERCOOKIE | * | PubMatic, Inc | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | KRTBCOOKIE_[DSPID] | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | R_[DSPID] | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PUBRETARGET | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PugT | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | KCCH | * | PubMatic, Inc | 30 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SyncRTB2 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SyncRTB3 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | DPSync2 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | DPSync3 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | KTPCACOOKIE | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | FPtrust | * | PubMatic, Inc | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | DPPIX_ON | * | PubMatic, Inc | 20 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SYNCUPPIX_ON | * | PubMatic, Inc | 20 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PMFREQ_ON | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | USCC | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | camfreq_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pubfreq_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | COKENBLD | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PUBUIDSYNCUPFQ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | DPFQ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pi | * | PubMatic, Inc | 8 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | repi | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ipc | * | PubMatic, Inc | 3 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SPugT | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | optout | * | PubMatic, Inc | 157852800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PUBMDCID | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pubtime_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pp | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _curtime | * | PubMatic, Inc | 4200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PMDTSHR | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | dV | * | PubMatic, Inc | 180 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | TEMPHPAUSRBKCNT_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | HPAUSRBK_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | 120 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | UND | * | PubMatic, Inc | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SSCS | * | PubMatic, Inc | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | chk | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | chkSecSet | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | chkChromeAb67 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | chkChromeAb67Sec | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PM-UL-Sync | * | PubMatic, Inc | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | uids | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | aid_key | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | limited_tracking_ad_key | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SyncRTB4 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | DPSync4 | * | PubMatic, Inc | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PubMatic | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PubMatic_USP | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | PubMatic_GPP | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _evidon_consent_ls_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _evidon_visitor_ls_ | * | PubMatic, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pvc* | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | pcc* | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | trc | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ad2 | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | view | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | landing | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | tuuid | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | tuuid_lu | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | c | | Platform161 B.V. | 34164000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __aav* |,,, | Pixalate, Inc. | 62899200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __aas* |,,, | Pixalate, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | odn_id | * | Otto (GmbH & Co KG) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | cc | | On Device Research Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | op_u_id | | Objective Partners BV | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | __adroll | | NextRoll, Inc. | 50000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_shared | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 34128000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_fpc | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_bounced3 | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_bounce_closed | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_load_stats | * | NextRoll, Inc. | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_consent_params | * | NextRoll, Inc. | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_tcf_banner_seen | | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __adroll_consent_data | | NextRoll, Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | a* | | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | u | | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TruAudienceID | | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TruAudienceID | | Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | n_one | * | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | n_one_dnt | * | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | n_o_bc_ | * | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | n_o_bc_cpg | * | NEURAL.ONE | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | *_uid | *, *, *, * | NEORY GmbH | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | muid | * | METAX SOFTWARE PTE.LTD. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | muid | * | METAX SOFTWARE PTE.LTD. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | auid | * | METAX SOFTWARE PTE.LTD. | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | auid | * | METAX SOFTWARE PTE.LTD. | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | csuuid | * | M.D. Primis Technologies Ltd. | 2160000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_id | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_domain | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_dc | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_cc | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_aud | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_id | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_cc | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_aud | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | 23328000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | panoramaId | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | lotame_*_consent | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | panoramaId_expiry | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | panoramaId_expiry_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | panoramaId_exp | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _cc_id | * | Lotame Solutions, Inc | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | viewer_token | | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | viewer_token | | LoopMe Limited | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | rlas3 | * | LiveRamp | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pxrc | * | LiveRamp | 5184000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | optout | * | LiveRamp | 315576000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _lr_retry_request | * | LiveRamp | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lr_geo_location | * | LiveRamp | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lr_drop_match_pixel | * | LiveRamp | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lr_env_src_ats | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _lr_env | * | LiveRamp | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | idl_env | * | LiveRamp | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | *LASTREFRESHTIME | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | *CREATEDAT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | *TYPE | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | *CONTENT | - | LiveRamp | - | App | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | kv_id | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | kv_id | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | c_trt | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | c_trt | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | kv_install_sent | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | kv_install_sent | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | kv_session_count | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | kv_session_count | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ko_click_id | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ko_click_id | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | com.kochava.tracker.* | * | Kochava Inc. | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | com.kochava.tracker.* | * | Kochava Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvx_dnt | * | Jivox Corporation | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvxsync | * | Jivox Corporation | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvxadbsync | * | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvxbksync | * | Jivox Corporation | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvxkxsync | * | Jivox Corporation | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | jvxlotsync | * | Jivox Corporation | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | syncMsg | * | Jivox Corporation | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | uuid | | Innovid LLC | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | CMPS | * | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | CMTEST | * | Index Exchange Inc. | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | CMID | * | Index Exchange Inc. | 31104000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | CMPRO | * | Index Exchange Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | CMO | * | Index Exchange Inc. | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | IXWRAPPERLiveRampIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | IXWRAPPERMerkleIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | IXWRAPPERAdserverOrgIp | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | IXWRAPPERlib_mem | * | Index Exchange Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | tuuid | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tuuid_lu | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pct | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | pvt | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ih | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | fh | * | Improve Digital | 86399 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | pxl | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | um | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | umeh | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | sh | * | Improve Digital | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ad | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | uids | * | Improve Digital | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | _im* | * | Impactify SARL | - | Web | Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uids | | Impactify SARL | 2629746 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | SSCookie | | Impactify SARL | 2629746 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tuuid | * | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tuuid_lu | * | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | c | * | IPONWEB GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __uu | | Hurra Communications GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | pvs | | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ac* | | Hurra Communications GmbH | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | id | | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | mdata | | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ov | | GroupM UK Limited | 34128000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | syncdata_ | | GroupM UK Limited | 864000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sui | * | GfK GmbH | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | sui_3pc | * | GfK GmbH | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | sui_1pc | * | GfK GmbH | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | sui | * | GfK GmbH | - | Web | Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | AnalyseUnique | * | GP One GmbH | 25920000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | W3HUnique | * | GP One GmbH | 25920000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | exactag_new_cpv | * | Exactag GmbH | 600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | exactag_new_gk | * | Exactag GmbH | 5184000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | exactag_new_uk | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | exactag_new_user | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | exactag_new_ui | * | Exactag GmbH | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | session_session | * | Exactag GmbH | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | DotomiUser | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | DotomiSync | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | DotomiStatus | | Epsilon | 158284800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_status | * | Epsilon | 158284800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_gdpr_delete | | Epsilon | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | DotomiSession_* | | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_token_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_token | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_token_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_sync | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_sync_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_tcdata | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_tcdata_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_persisted_em_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_persisted_em | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_persisted_em_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_user_id_sc | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_user_id | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_user_id_exp | * | Epsilon | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | svid | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | rts | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | _pubcid | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | _publink | * | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | dtm_gpc_optout | * | Epsilon | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | up | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | receive-cookie-deprecation | | Epsilon | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ar_debug | | Epsilon | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uuid | * | Ensighten | 157680000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tracking-effiliation | | Effiliation / Effinity | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | RTBUserId | | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | RTBUserId-Old | | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | RTBUserId-Plain | | EASYmedia GmbH | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uid | | Dynata LLC | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | tuuid | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ruuid_lu | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | pvc | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pcc | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | landing | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ug | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cm | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | sc | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | opt-out | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | c | * | Dentsu UK Limited | 31557600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tuuid | * | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tuuid_lu | * | Demandbase, Inc. | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cid | * | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | bid | * | Crimtan Holdings Limited | 12960000 seconds | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | UID | * | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | PID | * | Comscore B.V. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | XID | * | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _scor_uid | * | Comscore B.V. | 33696000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TCID | * | Commanders Act | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CAID | * | Commanders Act | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TCSESSION | * | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TCREDIRECT | * | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TCREDIRECT_DEDUP | * | Commanders Act | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tc_cj_v2 | * | Commanders Act | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tc_cj_v2_cmp | * | Commanders Act | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tc_cj_v2_med | * | Commanders Act | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | clinch-sid | * | Clinch Labs LTD | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cbcdfp | * | Cint AB | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | cuid | | Celtra Inc. | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | pi | | Bombora Inc. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | _ccmaid | | Bombora Inc. | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | bito | | BeeswaxIO Corporation | 34128000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | basis-cookie | * | Basis Global Technologies, Inc. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | cc | | Bannerflow AB | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | apr_dsu | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | apr_tsys | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _usrp_lq | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | _usrp_ref | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | _usrp_tracker | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | apr_tdc | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | sak_cxense | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | apr_lotame | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | sync_cdwdcl_ts | | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | sync_adformdsp_ts | | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | issued_ts | | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | failed_ts | | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | seen_ts | | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __bpn_uid | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | i | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | q | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | dc | * | AudienceProject A/S | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __bpn_uid | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | __ur_i | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __ur_q | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __ur_dc | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __ur_edge | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | __bpn_puid | * | AudienceProject A/S | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources |
TCF vendors | avlukey | | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | avlcnt | | Arrivalist Co. | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ad-id | * | Amazon Advertising | 23670000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | vendor-id | * | Amazon Advertising | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | amzn-token | * | Amazon Advertising | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | *sessionMarker/marker | * | Amazon Advertising | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | D4 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | B6 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | C6 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | A6 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | activityInfo2 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | OT2 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | S2 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | TargetingInfo3 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | G4 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | C_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | S_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | 129600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | ORD | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | CISI_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | 900 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | OT_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | searchsession_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising |
TCF vendors | u2 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | r1 | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | t1 | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | eyeblaster | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ebImpressionID_* | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | 604800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ebPanelFrequencyPerSession | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | ebPanelFrequency | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | SZMKSessionId | * | Amazon Ad Server | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | SZMKuid | * | Amazon Ad Server | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | atbgdid | | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | atbpdid | | Adtriba GmbH | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance |
TCF vendors | _lcc | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 900 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | _tmae | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | adcloud | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 31449600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | ev_sync_* | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | everest_g_v2 | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | everest_session_v2 | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ev_tm | * | Adobe Advertising Cloud | 63072000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | C | * | Adform A/S | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TPC | * | Adform A/S | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | GCM | * | Adform A/S | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CM | * | Adform A/S | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CM14 | * | Adform A/S | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | otsid | * | Adform A/S | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uid | * | Adform A/S | 5184000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | SR | * | Adform A/S | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CT | * | Adform A/S | 3600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | EBFCD | * | Adform A/S | 25200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | EBFC | * | Adform A/S | 25200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CFFC | * | Adform A/S | 25200 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | C | * | Adform A/S | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | TPC | * | Adform A/S | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | GCM | * | Adform A/S | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CM | * | Adform A/S | 86400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | CM14 | * | Adform A/S | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | otsid | * | Adform A/S | 315360000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | uid | * | Adform A/S | 5184000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | axd | * | Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | axd | * | Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | tis_* | * | Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | retarget | | Adacado Technologies Inc. (DBA Adacado) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | retarget | | Adacado Technologies Inc. (DBA Adacado) | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | track-admaxim | * | AdMaxim Limited | 2592000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | *id | * | AdMaxim Limited | - | Web | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Create profiles to personalise content; Use profiles to select personalised content; Measure advertising performance; Measure content performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services; Use limited data to select content |
TCF vendors | tk_tracking |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | tk_ui |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | sync_* |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | tk_iid_* |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 14400 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | tk_ui_third |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device |
TCF vendors | adv_iid |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | adv_ui |,,,, | ADventori SAS | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | UserID1 | | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | LogID1_* | | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | lv_* | | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | lc_* | | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | oo | | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | UserID1 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | LogID1_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising |
TCF vendors | lv_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | lc_* | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 1800 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | oo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _autuserid2 | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _autoo | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | _autaclids | * | ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance |
TCF vendors | NID | | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | DSID | | Google Advertising Products | 1209600 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | id | | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __gads | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | IDE | | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_dc | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_au | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FLC | | Google Advertising Products | 10 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | RUL | | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gac_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_aw | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | Conversion | | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FCNEC | * | Google Advertising Products | 31536000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | test_cookie | | Google Advertising Products | 900 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_gf | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_ha | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FPGCLDC | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __gsas | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FPAU | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FPGCLAW | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | FPGCLGB | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_gb | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gac_gb_ | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_ag | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | _gcl_gs | * | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY | * | Google Advertising Products | Session | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __gpi | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | __gpi_optout | * | Google Advertising Products | 34190000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | GCL_AW_P |, | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | receive-cookie-deprecation | | Google Advertising Products | 15552000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
TCF vendors | ar_debug |,, | Google Advertising Products | 7776000 seconds | Cookie | Store and/or access information on a device; Use limited data to select advertising; Create profiles for personalised advertising; Use profiles to select personalised advertising; Measure advertising performance; Develop and improve services |
Die Cookie-Richtlinie wurde zuletzt am March 4, 2025 aktualisiert.